Tuesday, December 25, 2007

"the party of Coolidge, Lodge, Saltonstall..."

Ronald Reagan … once said that he hadn’t left the Democratic Party but that it had left him; I must say I feel the same way about the Republican Party.

That sentiment, penned by the Rev’d Peter Gomes ahead of last year’s gubernatorial election, captured the feelings of many Massachusetts Republicans. It certainly captured ours. How could “the party of Coolidge, Lodge, Saltonstall, Herter, and Sargent” have fallen under the spell of a God-and-government coalition?

Even so, we continue to see evidence of the finest traditions of the Republican Party. Limited government, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. There’s reason to hope.

We envision this blog as a resource in the fight for the soul of the GOP, in Massachusetts and the rest of the country.