Here’s Dick Morris on Clinton’s strategy in South Carolina. Dick Morris, of course, despises Hillary Clinton. But we’ve heard other, less interested commentators offer similar analysis.
If it’s true – and it seems awfully plausible to us – then Clinton’s team has outdone Karl Rove. That’s no easy task. Pure genius. Pure evil.
Obama has done everything he possibly could to keep race out of this election. And the Clintons attracted national scorn when they tried to bring it back in by attempting to minimize the role Martin Luther King Jr. played in the civil rights movement. But here they have a way of appearing to seek the black vote, losing it, and getting their white backlash, all without any fingerprints showing. The more President Clinton begs black voters to back his wife, and the more they spurn her, the more the election becomes about race – and Obama ultimately loses.Hillary Clinton, in short, is playing the race card like Mike Huckabee played the Mormon card with his backhanded comments about Jesus being Satan’s brother. But Clinton’s backhandedness is of a much bigger magnitude.
As we said above, Clinton’s strategy seems both brilliant and depraved. We wonder what the conversations were like that hatched this diabolical plan. Did Clinton and her advisers actually talk out loud about this? Amazing.